The Basics Of Dental Crowns

28 February 2019
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

You may have always dreamed of being crowned royalty, but you may not have ever thought about what crowns can do for your oral health. Dental crown are a popular dental prosthesis to help patients with a variety of oral issues. But what exactly are dental crowns, and what can they be used for? This article will take a closer look at some of the basics. Are you ready to learn more? If so, then read on. 

What Are Dental Crowns? 

Dental crowns are usually made of porcelain, and they work by covering your tooth. Typically, dental crowns are custom-made just for your mouth so that they fit perfectly on top of your tooth. During your initial consultation with your dentist, they will take molds of your teeth so that they can make a dental crown that fits perfectly in your mouth and in between each tooth. 

What Are they Used For? 

Dental crowns are used for a variety of different things, including: 

Chipped or cracked teeth: Placing a dental crown on top of a cracked or chipped tooth will prevent the issue from getting worse, and it will also prevent any bacteria or germs from entering into the gums and causing some kind of oral infection. 

Dental Implants: Crowns are used as the last step in the dental implant process. Once the rod has surgically been inserted into the gum and it has healed, your dentist will then place the dental crown on the top of it. The dental crown will act as your natural tooth and will allow you to chew property. 

Discolored Teeth: If you have severely discolored teeth, your dentist may recommend either dental crowns or veneers to help get rid of the discoloration. 

Anchors: Dental crowns can also sometimes be used as anchors for dental bridges if you have cracked teeth that can't naturally support them. 

As you can see, there are a variety of things that dental crowns be used for. If you want to learn a little bit more about dental crowns and whether or not they are right for you, schedule an appointment with your dentist. During your appointment with your dentist, they will do a brief exam and then take some x-rays of your mouth. Usually, dental implants are covered under dental insurance, but you will have to contact your insurance beforehand to make sure so that you aren't surprised with a big bill. Contact a dental group like the Four Corners Dental Group to learn more.
