Do All Babies Experience Discomfort During Teething?

18 May 2023
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

First-time parents probably assume that they'll get some advance warning when their baby begins the teething process. The process, after all, is well-known; your baby will become fussy, their gums will start to hurt, their sleep pattern will become erratic, and they may even develop a fever. Is this the case for all teething babies? 

Developing Symptoms

No two cases are the same with babies who are teething. Those who develop symptoms will do so at around 6 to 10 months of age, as their lower central incisors begin to erupt from their gums. As mentioned, you may get some warning signs as the teething process begins, but this isn't the case for all infants.


There's a great deal of misinformation about teething, with so-called anecdotal evidence seemingly becoming fact. Unrelated, concurrent symptoms are often associated with teething, despite having nothing to do with the process. For example, there's little evidence to suggest that a child will develop a fever (although a slightly elevated temperature is common). In fact, the teething process may begin with little warning.

Primary Teeth

Teething can occur with few adverse symptoms. The process of primary teeth erupting from their gums can be confusing for an infant—it's a previously unknown sensation after all. Their distress may be assumed to be pain, even though this isn't entirely the case. As pediatricians have pointed out, gums don't tend to bleed during teething, so the gums are not actually being cut as teeth emerge. 


The gums in fact remodel themselves to permit the eruption of teeth. It's a natural process that occurs in all humans, and although it may result in some minor discomfort, it's unlikely to be causing your infant pain. As such, it could be that your infant's lower central incisors start to erupt one day without any forewarning.

Dental Checkups

The general guideline is that the emergence of that first tooth means it's time for your baby's first dental appointment. Children should start attending regular checkups at your local pediatric dentistry clinic when their first teeth start to erupt. By all means, report the lack of typical teething symptoms to your baby's pediatric dentist, but this is unlikely to have any relevance to their ongoing oral health.

You may have heard many anecdotes from other parents about the impact that teething has had on their babies (not to mention the parents' sleeping habits), but remember that no two babies are the same. When it comes to teething, the whole process can be smooth and incident-free.

To find out more, contact a company like New England Dental Specialists of Norwood
