Enamel Bonding FAQ: Everything You Need To Know

10 November 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Healthy teeth are important for your overall health and well-being. Unfortunately, not everyone is blessed with perfect teeth. Dental enamel bonding can be used to improve the appearance of teeth that are chipped, cracked, discolored, or misaligned. 

Below are some FAQs that can help you understand enamel bonding better. 

What Is Enamel Bonding?

Enamel bonding is a dental procedure where a resin that matches the color of your teeth is used to attach composite material to the tooth. The resin bonds with the enamel, creating an invisible seam between the tooth and the filling.

This procedure can repair chipped, cracked, or discolored teeth. It can also be used to close gaps between teeth or to change the shape of your teeth. These dental issues have a big impact on your smile and can make you feel self-conscious. So this procedure is a welcome solution for many people.

How Is Enamel Bonding Done?

First, the dentist will etch the surface of your tooth with a mild solution. This will rough up the enamel so the resin can bond to it more easily. Next, the tooth-colored resin is applied to the tooth and shaped to the desired form. For example, if you are fixing a chipped tooth, the resin will be shaped to look like a normal tooth. Once the resin is in place, it is hardened with a special light.

The last step is to polish the resin so it looks shiny and natural and matches the rest of your teeth. The bonding process usually takes a few minutes, but that might be longer depending on the number of teeth that need treatment.

Is Enamel Bonding Permanent?

No, enamel bonding is not permanent. It usually lasts for just a few years, but it can last longer with proper care. However, the procedure is not as durable as other dental procedures, such as veneers or crowns.

You need to take good care of your teeth after enamel bonding by brushing and flossing regularly and avoiding hard foods that can chip your teeth. You should also visit the dentist for regular cleaning and checkups to keep your bonded teeth in good condition.

Are There Any Risks to Enamel Bonding?

As with any dental procedure, there are some risks associated with enamel bonding. These risks include an allergic reaction to the materials used, gum irritation, and tooth sensitivity.

However, these risks are rare and can be minimized by working with an experienced and qualified dentist. So, if you are interested in this procedure, consult a qualified dentist to discuss your options.

Contact a local cosmetic dental service to learn more. 
